Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Baking

I decided a couple of weeks ago that we would start a Christmas family tradition. I thought that it would be a lot of fun for us to decorate a gingerbread house every year. This is something that I have always wanted to do but never really tried it.

I bought a kit at Walmart a couple of weeks ago to try. I had to hide it in the pantry because Sarah Katherine had a fit every time she saw it. This morning after breakfast we decided it would be a good time to work on it. It was so nice that Randy helped with it. He did the icing and then Sarah Katherine and I got to do the candy. I am sure that each year we will get better.

After we finished the gingerbread house we decided to make some cookies too. That is something we will have to work on. Figuring out the sprinkles and the decorations.

Anyway I think we all enjoyed ourselves. I know that Sarah Katherine enjoyed the candy. I think she ate more than she put on the house.


Shonna said...

Gingerbread house?!?! are brave!! I just posted about our "new tradition" of Christmas cookie baking...isn't it wonderful having children!!!


PS It works better for us to put the sprinkles on before cooking!

The Wilson's said...

Looks like fun and good quality time together! I think ya'll did a wonderful job!

Nancy, Jeremy, Jack, and Julianne said...

What fun! Sarah Katherine really does look like she is studying to decide how to open up the stuff for the gingerbread house!