Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sarah Katherine's First Tea Party

Sarah Katherine had her very first Tea Party this weekend. It was in honor of Cape Merrill's 3rd birthday. Cape is in Sarah Katherine's class at Mother's Day Out. The theme of the party was sooo cute. It was a Little Mamas Day Out. The girls dressed up their babies in their pretty clothes a they dressed up like mama's. They got to have a Tea Party with real china and glasses. Cape's Mama, Hannah had even fixed cupcakes and pink lemonade. They all seemed to have a great time. They played a little game of "How Well Do You Know Your Baby." The girls were blindfolded and had to feel each of the babies to see which one was theirs. It was so cute.. I think only one was able to do it with out peaking. Cape and her sister Bay have a trampoline and they all got to jump. They also got to go into the chicken coup and try and catch a chicken. The Walt and Hannah Merrill sure know how to fix up a house. We all had a great time watching the girls.

Sarah Katherine had a ball at the party. One way we could tell she had a good time because she was covered in dirt from her head to her toes.


The Wilson's said...

That is such a cute idea, I may have to copy it one day! I am sure they had a wonderful time.

Shonna said...

What a fun party!!!

I can't wait to hear about your mountain trip details...I know y'all had a good time!