Sunday, May 17, 2009

Where we have been....

Yes! I know it has been a really long time since I last blogged. I have tried on a couple of different occasions to update this and every time there was either a problem with blogspot or my internet. Maybe this time it will work.

Here is a brief run down on everything that has been going on. First was Easter. We had a great time and Randy was even home. Sarah Katherine had her party at Mother's Day Out, we went to Niceville to be with the "Lanes," had lunch at home and of course we searched for eggs. Sarah Katherine had a ball with it all.

Randy left the day after Easter going back to work. He is now in Australia. He loves it. I think he just wishes he had more time to sight see. We never really thought we would get use to the 28 days home and 28 days gone. But apparently we did. We just didn't feel like he was home the two weeks he was home. Sarah Katherine and I adjusted again. And now he is home and is keeping us busy.

We got to visit with Jeff, who we hadn't seen in a year. It was nice to get to see him. He only has a few months left in the Navy. We are hoping he will make his home much closer than Texas.

Randy planned a Masonic Day for last weekend. That went over well. He had worked really hard on it. Laura was kind enough to come up and help with it. We went swimming after spending a very hot day on the square.

Mother's Day was very uneventful. I was suppose to cook lunch for Randy's mother but there was a slight change of plans. I was sick. So I spent the better part of Mother's Day in the bed. Maybe next year I can cook that meal for Annette.

I know that this is brief, but it is a quick update of what has been keeping us going. Enjoy the slide show. And I promise to do better.


Shonna said...

YEA!!! I had just checked on your blog for updates thinking that my "follower" thing wasn't working:) Glad to hear you and SK have adjusted to the new job schedule and hate so badly to hear you were sick on Mother's Day...YUCK!!!

Hope you have a good week:)

Nancy, Jeremy, Jack, and Julianne said...

Hey! Good to get an update finally from you guys! Thanks for posting pics of SK's egg hunt from the front yard since I didn't realize everything was going down in different locations and Jack decided he needed to hunt milk instead of watching an egg hunt... sigh:( Glad everything is going well and hope everyone is well soon!